Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#19 Web2.0 awards list

I was thrilled to see new terms like Technocrati, Bloglines, Library Thing, Google Docs, 43 Things, Google Maps, Frappr, Zoho, Flickr, Rollyo, Facebook,, all introduced through ACL Learning 2.0 directly or indirectly, now seemingly more familiar in the Web 2.0 Awards list.
Being a self confessed on-off addict (off as in now because of current blogging) to online games, I chose Games2Web
It's unbelievable. Just look at these statistics:
Total Games: 8927
Total Plays: 5425304
Total Users: 3772
Played Today:1584
In my earlier life of online games, I was just happy and contented with MSN Games.
I'm now introduced to a whole new world! Where do I begin?
Just imagine how pleasurable this would be if all were made available to our library customers! Oops, it is free now to all though our free internet services. Let's see how quick they are at catching on to this website.


Unknown said...

To game or not to game, time is the question

PE Chick said...

Yes my Friend.....I thought you would not be able to resist the Games.....Port Elizabeth Chick